3D software development toolkits
Embedding our API makes 42 CAD formats available in your application, fast and cost efficient. By deploying 3D_Kernel_IO, software developers benefit from the expertise and entire experience of the leading CAD interoperability experts.
3D_Kernel_IO’s precise, reliable, and fast interfaces handle assembly structures, attributes like names and layers, as well as all entities like points, curves, B-REP solids, skins and also tessellated models. Furthermore, features, and the history-tree, PMI, attributes, and metadata are directly accessible.
The Sample Application GUI makes it easy to check out the SDK functions and options as well as the super fast reading and writing capabilities of the SDK. In addition dveloppers can make a dump of the datastructure of CAD files and directly use the source code of the Sample Application for their own integration.
3D_Kernel_IO also provides our unique advanced healing technology to ensure perfect model quality. During the conversion process, 3D models can be adapted to the tolerance and the mathematics of the target system to provide exceptional quality. If activated, the healing functions will automatically correct failures, such as gaps, overlaps, twisted and mini faces.
In addition, the API offers many interesting functionalities that have been developed to satisfy the specific needs of our customers developing leading CAD, CAM, FEA, Virtual Reality and Metrology software products.
CAD Interoperability SDK
Embedding our API makes all current CAD formats available in your application: Cost and time efficient. Today engineering software companies and their customers are looking for new ways to read a variety of 3D CAD data formats. 3D_Kernel_IO is the leading API with native readers based on C ++ programming language. Allowing efficient, accurate, and independent access to all native and standard formats.
3D_Kernel_IO provides unique and proven functions and modules with automatic healing, PDQ checker, assembly management, precision tessellation and model Comparison to expand the capabilities of your software.
Native Interfaces
All standard and native interfaces are developed and maintained by CoreTechnologie assuring support of the newest CAD format versions. 3D_Kernel_IO reads assembly structures, attributes like names, curves, or layers; entities like points, B-REP solids and skins as well as tessellated models. Furthermore, features with history, PMI, attributes, and metadata (e.g., DC Master, publications) are directly accessible without the need for a CAD license or application. Supported Formats:
• NX™ • CATIA® • Creo® • SOLIDWORKS®
• ProE®/Wildfire • Inventor® • IDEAS™
• JT-Format • XT-Format • STEP AP 203/214/242
• and many more…..
During the conversion process, 3D models adapt to the tolerance and mathematics of the target system to provide exceptional quality. Healing functions will automatically correct failures such as gaps, overlaps, twisted and mini faces. Even a set of single surfaces can be sewn together automatically into watertight solids with user-defined accuracy.
Easy to Integrate
Available on Windows, Linux, Mac and ARM Platforms. The interrogation functions are standardized for all formats. Therefore, 3D_Kernel_IO can be embedded quickly and very easily into your application.
3D_Kernel_IO also includes a simple sample application, easy-to-use and useful, to verify the results of your integration and test various options and commands that the API offers. It also comes with complete documentation as well as descriptive programming samples.
PMI Information
3D_Kernel_IO native interfaces also read PMI information like dimensions, tolerances, annotations, datum planes and text. All links to the geometry are provided; which is required for downstream applicattions like metrology and CAM. Generalized interrogation functions allow easy access to PMI data of any CAD format providing important information for a seamless PLM process.
Special functions
Providing specific functionalities for CAD, CAM, CAE, VR and metrology: Globally 3D_Kernel_IO is the unique tool for history and features. This extraordinary tool maps the construction history and parameters directly from the binary file without requiring access to a license of the source CAD system. Additionally, 3D_Kernel_IO native interfaces read feature information and PMI of threads, holes, chamfers, filets, patterns, drafts, pockets, extrusions, other feature types, as well as assembly features. The data structure represents all feature types used by today ́s CAD systems.
Associated faces of each feature on the B-REP model will be indentified by 3D_Kernel_IO and can be easily traced. Thread information is provided, which is important for annota-tions and PMI that reference construction elements like sketches, planes, or datum axes.
3D_Kernel_IO can find geometric differences between two objects. The kernel conveniently allows for comparison of objects to part solid, body or face; while setting minimum distance detected. The parameters can be set for the comparison of distance of minimum and maximum color variance by the type of part solid, body or face.
The accurate and fast tessellation of 3D models, as well as healing functions for triangulated models opti-mize CAD data for digital mock-up, virtual reality, and high-end rendering. Parameters for maximum chord deviation, triangle size, and the angle between adjacent triangles are used for B-REPs or recalculation of triangulated models. VRML, JT and STL formats are available.
Flexible Licensing
3D_Kernel_IO allows software editors to satisfy all their interoperability needs, dealing with only one vendor, one API and one predictable and affordable annual licensing fee or per license cost. The licensing system can be adopted as an open library with code protection, or optional locked API based on a Code License service.