Interoperability solutions for the future


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In the 3D CAD interoperability market, CoreTechnologie is the leading global software provider for 3D CAD data conversion. Our mission is to optimize interoperability, helping organizations to efficiently share engineering data in the PLM process.


Since its foundation in 1998, CoreTechnologie consistently presents innovative developments and has shown an outstanding performance with a yearly growth rate of 20%. The 3D_Evolution© software suite is the first choice of more than 500 leading technology companies that are developing complex products in the automotive, aerospace, mechanical engineering and consumer goods industry. In a global marketplace with very few providers for collaboration software, CoreTechnologie considers R&D as a crucial part of its business and continuously reinvests 35% of its revenues in the development of new products and technologies.


The result of our sustainable strategy is an unchallenged technical leadership and the most complete range of collaboration software products available today. Looking at the visions and plans of leading technology enterprises, the evolution of the future design process involves more and more virtual reality as well as simulation methods based on 3D CAD data. Carried out by many different specialized systems, optimal interoperability will become even more important than it is today. We at CoreTechnologie understand and we can help organization streamline their PLM process – to be prepared for the future.