Innovative Solutions for an uncomplicated CAD translation
Today’s companies design complex products using various CAD systems and create virtual 3D models used for the entire Lifecycle process. Since popular programs use proprietary formats, there are often problems in CAD translation and CAD data exchange. 3D_Evolution enables a lossfree CAD translation between different CAD systems such as CATIA, NX, Creo, Ideas, Inventor, SOLIDWORKS, and many others and is possible without any problems.
The innovative 3D Evolution software suite allows you to perform a fast and efficient conversions of CAD data for all major formats. This 3D converter can be used as JT converter for large amounts of data and for numerous other formats and enables an uncomplicated CAD data exchange. The modular concept of 3D_Evolution Conversion engine furthermore allows the analysis and geometry simplification of CAD data. Using the Simplifier module envelope geometries can be generated within seconds so that during the CAD data exchange valuable knowledge contained in the CAD models will not leave your company.
Our Products support trouble-free CAD translation
Using our 3D_Kernel_IO Software Developer Kit of CAx, software companies can immediately offer CAD interfaces to read all available native- and standard formats . With our development environment software manufacturers get independent, economical and fast access to 24 different CAD formats, thus creating the basis for flexible and powerful CAD reader capabilities in their software products. With our SDKyou can access information such as assembly structures, tesselation, B-REP, history , features and parameters as well as metadata and PMI. CoreTechbologie’s SDK libraries are the perfect solution for an easy CAD translation.
Specifically for CAD translation of 3D data, the developed geometry kernel has outstanding features e.g. an automatic healing for unsurpassed quality of the data. We offer 3D_Kernel_IO tailor-made to your needs, which will make your products significantly more efficient and will clearly distinguished you from your competitors.
Learn more about CAD translations in our trainings
We not only offer solutions for uncomplicated CAD translations, but also to analyze and visualize all current CAD models. With our advanced CAD viewer 3D_Analyzer, the reference product among CAD viewers, you benefit from outstanding measurement and redlining functions, numerous CAD interfaces and extensive 3D analysis functions usually available only in much more expensive DMU and CAD systems.
In addition, we also offer customized software development and training to ensure smooth CAD data translation and to teach you the perfect handling of our products quickly and efficiently. In these training session you will learn everything you need to know e.g. about CAD conversion, JT conversion or geometry simplification.